[JB 4.2] Install ParanoidAndroid 3+ di ainol 2nd gen tablet
Hanya untuk Aurora II, Elf II, Fire/Flame, Crystal dan Hero.
Aurora/Elf generasi pertama tidak kompatibel dengan custom ROMs dibawah
ini, silahkan menuju sub-forum masing-masing slatedroid.com untuk info
lebih jelasnya.
Saya tidak bertanggung jawab atas rusaknya perangkat, matinya SDcard, atau hal-hal lain karena penggunaan tutorial ini. Tolong pahami terlebih dahulu resiko yang akan anda hadapi jika gagal menerapkan tutorial ini. ANDA yang memilih untuk menerapkan dan memasang Custom ROM ini, dan jika anda dikemudian hari menuduh saya merusak perangkat anda, I will laugh at you.
Jika links di sini tidak up-to-date (karena saya berhalangan untuk meng-update-nya atau hal lainnya), silahkan cek thread aslinya di sini
Lihat thread ini
ParanoidAndroid 3+
Google Play Store, Google Talk, Google Sync, Google Backup Transport, Car Home, Gmail, Google Maps, YouTube, Google Search, Google Voice Search, Google Music, and Google Docs
(beberapa dalam bentuk menu di Settings)
Aurora-II v1.2.4
Hero v1.2.7
Butuh dukungan adhoc? Silahkan pakai CM10/PA2.16/AOKP
MultiUser zip - Mirror
Berguna untuk mengaktifkan fitur Multi-User. Wajib dipakai bersamaan dengan compatibility dibawah ini
Aurora-II v2.0.2
Elf-II v2.0.2
Tutorial Bergambar menyusul
Untuk sementara, sesuaikan dengan alur berikut ini:
Upgrade tidak perlu wipe/factory reset
- SDcard eksternal berada di /storage/sdcard0
- Lebih baik untuk tidak mengubah governor, karena governor ONDEMAND yang disertakan sudah di kustomisasi untuk mendukung fitur “boospulse” milik power hal Jelly Bran. Anda dapat mengontrol nilai frekuensi minimal/maksimal CPU (ketika layar hidup/mati) dengan mengedit nilai-nilai ini yang ada di file /system/build.prop:
Tebal = Terbaru
* Some changes under the hood, report if anything SOD related has changed
* Added ExFat support
* Updated upstream sources
* Updated upstream sources
* Added fake serial number generator (if you had two devices, both connected to the PC with ADB enabled, you couldn't access to any of them because they were using the same serial number)
* Updated video playback libraries
* Updated upstream sources
* Updated upstream sources
* Updated upstream sources
* Updated upstream sources
* Oneshot fix for SD mount issue
* Updated video playback libraries
* Other minor stuff
* Updated upstream sources
* Updated comp zip for Elf, Aurora, Crystal, C93 (non MultiUser): now all devices are using the new audio HAL based on tinyalsa
* Updated upstream sources
* Update some RIL related stuff: if your 3G dongle was working try it again and report. If it wasn't working (but worked on the stock rom) give it another try, just in case...
* Added EXT4/MultiUser for 1st/2nd batch Crystal (it looks like some 1st batch refuse to turn on WiFi, I can't help you without proper source code and some logs)
* New MultiUser comp zip for Aurora / Elf that will probably fix the upside down camera portrait picture. 3rd batch Crystal user fetch the new comp zip and try it as well, maybe it will work on yours as well.
* Some changes under the hood
* Fixed headset / hdmi "double audio" on Hero
* Many other changes under the hood
* Support for both EXT4/UBIFS partitions (only Fire running stock 4.2 is using EXT4 right now)
* Added a SCREEN_DIM wakelock when HDMI is plugged
* Devices running alsa (everyone but Hero and Fire) can disable alsa standby by editing "snd.card.alsa.standby=1" to "snd.card.alsa.standby=0". This will fix latest Skype (and possibly other chat apps) issues, but may lead to some "pops" when the device enter/exit suspend.
* Fixed Netflix (and possibly other streaming apps) issues
* Added stock video player (but it doesn't work when connected to an HDMI monitor)
* Added mass storage support (only one lun is exported, so you'll be able to access only to internal memory, like AOKP)
* (Probably) fixed HDMI audio with devices running new kernels
* Fixed FaceLock / Barcode scanner auto-focus issues
* Updated upstream sources
* First build
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